Sun smarts: Why sunscreen should be your best friend
If there is one practical wonder that should never leave your skincare regime or be negotiated on- it’s a good sunscreen suited to your needs
Image by: Tomas Salas
Compiled & Edited By Lauren Nicoll
An essential lesson learned during the past pandemic year is that moderate exposure to the sun is vital for our bodies to synthesize vitamin D (which gets increased through adding foods like salmon, egg yolks, or foods fortified with vitamin D along with oral vitamin supplements) however, simply because our time indoors has increased more than ever before, it can be tempting to relax on an apply and repeat mantra when it comes to our sunscreen use - and whether staying indoors or outdoors it’s not in your best interests to ditch your SPF
Stay Sun Savvy
Our skin is affected by stress, pollution, dry air, and harsh sunlight daily. Studies show that excessive UV radiation is a crucial contributing factor to skin cancer and photoaging (UV-induced premature aging of the skin). Free radicals are emitted in the cellular process when exposed to these harmful elements in a process called oxidation which causes cell dysfunction. It’s easier preventing damage than treating it, so if you haven’t invested in a good sunscreen, now is the time. If you have already noticed fine lines or dark marks appearing, you will want to try to prevent it asap and become more aware when it comes to staying sun savvy.
Why Its Best To Go Broad Spectrum
We know how damaging those invisible UV rays are to our skin’s DNA yet, it’s easy to forget that UV exposure, no matter how small, can add up, placing us at a higher risk for skin ailments. This is why being proactive with applying and choosing a broad-spectrum sunscreen is essential. Broad-spectrum sunscreens are designed to protect against both UVB (the rays that cause sunburn and play a role in causing melanomas) and UVA (the rays that reach deep into the skin’s dermis damaging our cells and suppressing our immune systems)
Is It Time To Up Your SPF game?
When choosing a product to give your skin adequate protection all year round, it’s advised to know precisely how SPF works in your sunscreen to make an informed decision. SPF relates to the amount of UVB protection it provides. The indicated number tells you how long the sun’s UV rays would take to turn your skin red when using sunscreen compared to the amount of time without sunscreen. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, using an SPF 15 (said to block 93% of UVB rays) for everyday use or SPF 30 (said to stop 97% of UVB rays) for venturing outside – no matter the time of year is suitable. The trick is to remember to apply the right amount (2 tablespoons) 30 minutes before venturing out and reapply every couple of hours. Contrary to popular belief, although always useful, a higher SPF (over 50) can mislead people into thinking they are more protected than they really are and they don’t reapply as often as needed.
Why Layering Is The Way To Go
Whether you're indoors or outdoors, the sun is not the only UV risk to your skin. Recent studies have shown that our laptop screens and mobile phone lights are also harmful to our skin. Even if the sun is not shining, it’s still essential to wear protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses when running errands for added protection. It’s advisable to layer your SPF and opt for skincare defenders that not only shield and support your skin but protect it too. Multitasking moisturizers are great for this and come with built-in SPF along with other nourishing, repairing ingredients. Products filled with antioxidants will also give your skin further protection and better equip your skin to absorb your sunscreen. Your product should have nothing less than SPF 30 in it.